Alexa Lane - Holistic Counseling
Mind - Body - Soul
Valentine’s Day 2014 comes in with the company of a full moon. Beyond the flowers and the chocolates, Valentine’s Day can raise awareness toward feelings of love for all and ahimsa (non-violence). Valentine’s Day also brings to mind self-care, nurturing, self –love, and a centering on the heart chakra “Anahata.” These feelings are brilliantly demonstrated in Eve Ensler’s VDay movement “One Billion Rising,” a global cause to raise awareness and end violence against women. Learn more here.
The moon in yogic terms is feminine energy which is receptive and nurturing in nature. Another way we can think about the moon energy is in relation to prana, our vital life force. With each breath, we take in cool air and exhale warm air. The warm air is like the sun and the cool air is like the moon. In hatha yoga practice we aim to balance the masculine (solar energy), right side of the body, with the feminine (lunar energy), left side of the body.
A full moon in astrological terms can mean a new beginning. Many of us are struggling to balance multiple aspects of our lives and neglecting to nurture our-selves. We may find ourselves rushing to yoga class form a busy work day and slogging through a sweaty, hot yoga practice when our bodies truly need to relax, cool down, and focus on a practice that is calming and soothing. The full moon reminds us to take a deep breath and pay attention to what we really need and what we want to make manifest in our lives. It is a time to slow down, cultivate and savor the juiciness of our lives.
Let this Valentine’s Day Full Moon honor the feminine aspect of ourselves and foster a new beginning where making time for self-care, relaxation, and sharing love is a part of your everyday life.
Meditation Mantra: Aham Prema “I am Divine Love”
Moon Salutation Practice:
2. Inhale and bring both arms over your head (palms together) and look up toward your hands in URDHVA HASTASANA
3. Exhale and fold forward into UTTANASANA
4. Bend the knees (hips to the heels if possible), Inhale and extend your left leg back, knee down, into a Modified Crescent Lunge (AJANEYASANA)
5. Exhale into Downward Facing Dog ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA
6. Inhale to PLANK
7. Exhale and lower your knees, chest, chin to the floor
8. Inhale into BHUJANGASANA
9. Exhale into Downward Facing Dog ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA
10. Inhale and step your left foot forward into a Modified Crescent Lunge (AJANEYASANA)
11. Exhale and fold forward into UTTANASANA
12. Inhale and bring both arms over your head (palms together) and look up toward your hands in URDHVA HASTASANA