Reiki Energetic System and Meditation

Reiki Energetic System and Meditation

In the Japanese system of Reiki, there are three significant energy centers.

They are The Three Tanden or The Three Diamonds.

The Three Diamonds of Reiki

Ka Tanden

  • Lower Tanden: The first is referred to as the Hara or lower Tanden. It is considered highly important and represents a pathway to reaching your highest aim in life. The location is 2 inches below the navel.
  • It corresponds to Earth energy. It connects you to the universal life force energy. It helps with grounding your energy.

Chu Tanden

  • Heart Energy or Middle Tanden: The location is the middle of the chest or heart.
  • It corresponds to the energy of the Heart or Oneness. It connects to your emotional body and your ability to balance emotions. Positive emotions, such as love create balance.

Sho Tanden

  • Upper Tanden: The location is the middle of the forehead or third eye.
  • It corresponds to Heavenly energy. It is connected to your spirit and intuitive functions.


In Chinese medicine, the meridians are subtle energy channels that distribute Ki, Chi, or Qi (vital life force or energy)throughout the body.

Reiki Meditation on The Three Diamonds

  • Find a comfortable seated position.
  • Place your feet flat on the ground and feel how the Earth supports you.
  • You may close your eyes.
  • Breathe slowly.
  • Inhale and exhale.
  • Feel your spine lengthening with each breath.
  • Now, let’s connect to the Earth.
  • Place your attention on your feet and the connection they have to the Earth.
  • Let the energy flow from the Earth into your feet.
  • Visualize a crystal white light that connects you to the earth and the Divine Source.
  • Let this energy flow into your feet and expand beyond into the space surrounding your feet.

Hara- Lower Tanden

  • Let this crystal white light energy flow up to the base of your spine to the area just below your navel into the Ka Tanden.
  • Place your hands on your Ka Tanden and breathe calmly in and out through your nose.
  • Let the breath and white light energy expand into the space surrounding your naval.
  • Allow the white light energy to energize and cleanse your entire abdomen.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale.
  • Let this energy circulate as you connect to the earth.

Heart- Middle Tanden

  • Let the white light energy of the Divine Source flow from your abdomen to your heart into the Chu Tanden.
  • Place your hands on your Chu Tanden and breathe calmly in and out through your nose.
  • Let the breath and white light energy expand into the space surrounding your heart.
  • Allow the white light energy to energize and cleanse your entire heart center.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale.
  • From this expanded state, introduce a positive emotion, such as love, compassion, gratitude, or joy.
  • Let this energy circulate throughout your heart.

Upper Tanden- Forehead

  • Let the crystal white light energy of the Divine Source flow from your heart to the middle of your forehead into the Sho Tanden.
  • Place your hands on your Sho Tanden and breathe calmly in and out through your nose.
  • Let the breath and white light energy expand into the space surrounding your forehead.
  • Allow the white light energy to energize and cleanse your head.
  • Slowly inhale and exhale.
  • Let the energy expand and connect with the Divine Source and Heavenly energy.
  • Feel the spaciousness of this healing energy.
  • Continue to breathe calmly and when you are ready, open your eyes.

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